Tuesday, 28 November 2017


From the FutureLearn course Forensic Psychology, we learned about various processes in which witnesses to crimes attempt to identify suspects, such as through line-ups and through the re-creation of faces using software such as Photofit Me, E-FIT and EFIT-V

EFIT-V is the latest composite system to be used by the police. EFIT-V is designed to try and utilise face recognition, rather than face recall. The design of EFIT-V once again demonstrates how important it is to have psychological knowledge of how the mind works when it comes to police investigations.

Our production team used Photofit Me in our trailer. The scene involves PI Andrews in his office trying to make a photographic profile from memory of a possible murder suspect.

We were very excited to incorporate such a convincingly professional method into our film. We believe that this clip lends authenticity to the trailer. We used the process in two types of shots:
  • over the shoulder shot of PI Andrews at work on Photofit Me
  • POV shots of what the software that he is working on


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